Our team provides innovative legal advice in matters regarding energy law in respect to both transactions and regulatory framework.

Our practice specializes in the particular requirements of the energy and resources sector and displays a notable track record at a national level.

Our team provides counseling and support at an administrative level, in order to help our clients follow new market and regulatory developments. In today’s changing energy and resources landscape, Troulis & Co. provides invaluable assistance to corporate clients, helping them protect their interests and successfully managing their business risk.

The firm advises on a regular basis the Greek Power Market Operator (LAGIE) on regulatory matters and acts on its behalf on litigation matters.

“There are no principles; there are only events.
There is no good and bad, there are only circumstances.
The superior man espouses events and circumstances in order to guide them.
If there were principles and fixed laws, nations would not change them as we change our shirts and a man can not be expected to be wiser than an entire nation”
- Honoré de Balzac (1799 – 1850)