Merry Christmas!!!!

December 13, 2022


Merry Christmas!!!

December 22, 2021


New draft law on “Family Offices” submitted for vote to the Greek Parliament

February 25, 2021

Following various legislative measures adopted to attract non-domestic investors to move their tax residence to Greece, the government is preparing another package of incenti...

Merry Christmas!

December 21, 2020


Troulis & Co. law firm 's Participation in the 30th Edition of IFLR1000 2020/21

December 10, 2020

Troulis & Co. participate in the 30th Edition 2020/2021 of the International Legal Guide IFLR1000, in which prominent law firms from all over the world are taking pa...

Letter of information

March 20, 2020

Dear Friends,
The Prime Minister of the Greek Government, Mr. Kyriakos Mitsotakis, together with the competent Ministries, announced a series of e...


November 14, 2019

The European Council Legal Service has issued an opinion that seriously questions the legal validity of the European Commission's proposals for a financial transaction tax.


November 14, 2019

The European Council Legal Service has issued an opinion that seriously questions the legal validity of the European Commission's proposals for a financial transaction tax.


November 14, 2019

The European Council Legal Service has issued an opinion that seriously questions the legal validity of the European Commission's proposals for a financial transaction tax.

“There are no principles; there are only events.
There is no good and bad, there are only circumstances.
The superior man espouses events and circumstances in order to guide them.
If there were principles and fixed laws, nations would not change them as we change our shirts and a man can not be expected to be wiser than an entire nation”
- Honoré de Balzac (1799 – 1850)