Managing Partner

Manolis Troulis was born and raised in Germany. He is a Supreme Court Lawyer and Managing Partner. He studied law in Italy and Greece, where he obtained his law degree from the Law School of the University of Athens. Between 2004 - 2006 he served as the press secretary of the Ministry of Merchant Marine and during 2007 - 2008 he served as head of the legal department of a multinational company, whose main shareholder was Barclays. Before founding Troulis & Co. he worked for several years at a premium Athens-based law firm. He specializes in energy law, litigation matters of a civil, commercial and employment nature, as well as financial crimes/economic crime law. He is a member of the Athens Bar Association and the Hellenic Criminal Bar Association. He speaks English, Italian and German.

“There are no principles; there are only events.
There is no good and bad, there are only circumstances.
The superior man espouses events and circumstances in order to guide them.
If there were principles and fixed laws, nations would not change them as we change our shirts and a man can not be expected to be wiser than an entire nation”
- Honoré de Balzac (1799 – 1850)